Friday, February 27, 2009
Mexican Pres. on American Pres: "Latin American leaders were inspired by him as part of the New Leftist revolution."
Calderon also expressed optimism that President Barack Obama will improve relations in the region.Interesting that the Muslim world (particularly the Islamofascist world) recognizes Obama as a Muslim, while the communist world recognizes Obama as a fellow leftist, yet Americans seem to think they were electing a "liberal."
"President Barack Obama has a tremendous opportunity to recover the leadership of the US," he said. "Latin American leaders were inspired by him as part of the New Leftist revolution."
Media cover-up is a big part of the explanation. If ANY of Obama’s numerous Islamofascist connections had been properly reported he never would have been elected. But media cover-up cannot be the whole story, not when the illiberal world (the liberty-hating world) has no trouble recognizing Obama's illiberalism.
Maybe Confucius had it right: "When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty." Especially when words for liberty loses their meaning.
Still, media cover-up is what is tilting the balance. We’ll see how much play this gets: the president of Mexico calling Obama “part of the New Leftist revolution.” It appeared in the print edition of the San Jose Mercury News, but was cut from their online version of the story, which ends with the preceding line:
"President Barack Obama has a tremendous opportunity to recover the leadership of the United States," he said.The most newsworthy line in the article, excised. I truly hate that newspaper. If it wasn’t for the hard Soduku on Friday, I’d never buy it.