Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Flight 93 superintendent will NOT honor Tom Burnett Sr.'s request to keep Tom Jr's name off the memorial
The names of the 40 passengers and crew were part of the design of the memorial that was selected by the jury, approved by the advisory commission and approved by the Department of the Interior and all of the project partners. The National Park Service will build the memorial as selected and approved. [Somerset Daily American, August 19, 2007.]The Daily American came out yesterday editorializing in favor of this decision to use Tom Jr.'s name against the wishes of the Burnett family. Western Pennsylvania newspapers are also refusing Mr. Burnett's request to fact check my information, or rather, they are refusing to publish their fact checking of my information.
Tribune Democrat reporter Kecia Bal is well aware of the factual accuracy of my claim that there are 44 inscribed translucent blocks to be built along the flight path because I went over the locations with her on the phone and sent her the original Crescent of Embrace design PDF's so she could count the blocks from the source material. Yet all her first story did was quote denials, without reporting her own verification of the factual accuracy of my claims, then she did the same thing again in the wake of Mr. Burnett's protest:
Rawls announced that Burnett will not allow his son’s name to be inscribed on one of the 44 glass blocks supposedly included in the design.Kecia knows that Hayworth is wrong. She has counted the inscribed translucent blocks herself and knows there are 44. Here are the first 43:
But even the idea that 44 glass blocks are to be part of the memorial is a point that those representing memorial efforts repeatedly have denied.
“That has been disproved so many times,” spokesman Bill Hayworth said in an earlier interview.

Click for larger image. The lower section of Memorial Wall, closest to the crash site, has 40 translucent marble blocks inscribed with the names of the murdered passengers and crew. (The horizontal white line of blocks are the "glass blocks" I am referring to. The separate blocks alternate white and gray, indicating a slight zig zag configuration. "Folded" as the graphic calls it.) The upper section of Memorial Wall, further up the flight path from the crash site, has three glass blocks inscribed with the 9/11 date.
The upper section of wall is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent: the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag.
Further up the flight path, at the upper crescent tip (where the flight path breaks the circle in architect Paul Murdoch's explanation) sits the 44th glass block:

Honest fact checking would note that the 44th inscribed translucent block on the flight path is much larger than the others, exactly as I have been saying. It would also note that it is made of glass, where the others are designated "translucent marble," as I have been saying since September 2005 (though for simplicity I often refer to them all as "glass blocks").
If I was counting wrong, Kecia would surely publish her own fact checking, but since I am counting right, she doesn't. It is the same thing all the Pennsylvania newspapers have been doing for two years. They are not going to publish the truth unless they are forced to.
Thus it is good that the Memorial Project is refusing the honor the wishes of Mr. Burnett. This insult will stoke the controversy, which is just what is needed to force attention and finally get some fact checking of my warnings about the crescent design. After all, this is a warning of terrorist attack. Reporters really ought to check the facts.
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