Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Memorial Riddle #2: Why did architect Paul Murdoch lengthen the Entry Portal Walkway?

Original naked Crescentof Embrace design (left). Re-colored Bowl of Embrace redesign (right) just adds a few surrounding trees.
Every particle of the Crescent of Embrace structure remains completely intact in the Bowl of Embrace redesign, except for one small alteration. The Entry Portal Walkway was substantially lengthened:

Left: detail of upper crescent tip from the high resolution Crescent of Embrace site plan. Right: same detail from the medium resolution Bowl of Embrace site plan.
Lengthening the walkway is the only real change that Murdoch made in the redesign. Why did he do it? Answer next Wednesday.
Hint: at the end of the Entry Portal Walkway sits the 44th inscribed translucent block on the flight path (matching the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists). It commemorates the spot where, in Murdoch's own explanation, the terrorists broke the circle and turned it into a crescent. Thus the end of the walkway marks the thematic or "true" upper crescent tip.
Murdoch's slight adjustment in the exact placement of this "true" crescent tip accomplishes two things. Winning "tackle the bare naked hijacker" awards to the first people to get either of the two answers. Plain "tackle" logos for anyone else who wants one. Sized for your sidebar:

After all, it does not get much more naked than this:

Or this:

Or this:

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