Thursday, May 21, 2009
Two Memorial Project commissioners quit over the Project’s bad behavior

Two Pennsylvanian’s quit the Flight 93 Memorial Commission last week, protesting Park Service plans to condemn five crash-site properties that it never negotiated for in good faith. Consider the case of the Lambert family, who have been on their land for three generations:
"It's absolutely a surprise. I'm shocked by it. I'm disappointed by it," said Tim Lambert, who owns nearly 164 acres that his grandfather bought in the 1930s. The park service plans to condemn two parcels totaling about five acres — land, he said, he had always intended to donate for the memorial.They are condemning land that he was trying to GIVE to them, just because he had the gall to expect the Park Service to actually do its part.
"To the best of my knowledge and my lawyer, absolutely no negotiations have taken place with the park service where we've sat down and discussed this," Lambert said.
Lambert said he had mainly dealt with the Families of Flight 93 and said he's provided the group all the information it's asked for, including an appraisal.
Project members have embraced the “absolute moral authority” conceit
How dare anyone not rush to give these grieving 9/11 family members whatever they want? Didn’t they hear Maureen Dowd’s proclamation that “the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq [or on 9/11] is absolute”?
When crash-site owner Mike Svonavec put up a donation box to try to cover some of the cost of hiring security guards for the hugely popular Temporary Memorial, Patrick White, cousin of Flight 93 hero Louis Nacke, told the press:
That land has been paid for with 40 lives ... the donation box is an insult to that cost.When Svonavec insisted that the Park Service follow its own legally required procedures for assessing property values (procedures that, as it happens, take into account current property values, not just pre-crash property values), White accused Svonavec of trying to profit from the blood of his cousin:
"I think Svonavec believes his land, because it has the blood of my cousin and 39 other people, it's worth more," he said.
Using the flag of victim-hood to defend Paul Murdoch’s terrorist memorial mosque
Project members use the same trick to deflect criticism of the giant Islamic-shaped crescent that is now being built on the crash-site. When people point out the hidden terrorist memorializing features—things that no one knew about when the Crescent of Embrace design was chosen—like the Mecca-orientation of the giant crescent, or the 44 glass blocks emplaced along the flight path, Project members not only deny these easy to verify facts, but they pretend that they are being accused of intending to honor the terrorists:
“That’s an absolute, unequivocal fabrication that is being portrayed as fact,” said Edward Felt’s brother, Gordon Felt [about the 44 blocks claim].In The Church of Liberalism, Ann Coulter slammed the media for granting the Jersey Girls an “absolute moral authority” card, not questioning the Girls’ practice of blaming the Bush administration instead of al Qaeda for their husband's deaths on 9/11. The Jersey Girls were bad enough, but nowhere is the flag of victim-hood being used to cover up more bad behavior than at the Memorial Project.
He says he is insulted people would believe he would participate in anything that honored his brother's killers.
Active cover-up of an ongoing Islamic supremacist plot
Like the Jersey Girls, the Memorial Project gives Islam a pass for 9/11. Project members might not have known about the Mecca-orientation of the Crescent of Embrace, but they DID know that it was a giant Islamic-shaped crescent. Now they are doing far worse. Now they DO know that the giant crescent points almost exactly at Mecca, and are consistently misleading the press about it.
Their own Muslim consultant told them not to worry about the Mecca-oriented crescent, claiming that it can’t be seen as a mihrab (the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built) unless it points EXACTLY at Mecca (a claim that was contradicted earlier this month by Saudi religious authorities).
So what does Project Supervisor Joanne Hanley say when asked about the Mecca-orientation claim?
The only thing that orients the memorial is the crash site.They are actively and knowingly covering up clear evidence of an ongoing al Qaeda sympathizing plot. Bad behavior indeed.
Great article.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
The behavior of these relatives of those who died in Flight 93 are a disgrace. If I had died in Flight 93, I would be rolling over in my grave if my relatives basically tried to emotionally, and financially, blackmail a landowner out of his/her home or property - and I'd rise from the dead to correct them if they tried to use the Government to do it.
The fact is, if the landowner of that land doesn't have "moral authority" over his own land - none of us do. It's a matter of property ownership rights - and it's a matter of freedom.
"Live free or die" has become "our relatives died so give us your freedom".
Sick!! That memorial is Un-American.
Sorry your relatives died folks. Here's the deal. Everyone dies.
The world doesn't owe you a living because your relatives died.
I have plenty of relatives who have died.
Rant off.
(It was so insensitive. But these weren't grieving relatives - these were greedy ingrates.)
Emminent domain can be legitimate, but the Park Service never even tried to negotiate honestly with these people. Inexcusable.
More Snags In Plans For Flight 93 Memorial
May 26, 2009,Updated:May 27, 2009
The National Park Service still does not officially own the land it needs for the Flight 93 National Memorial and a deadline is looming.
The Department of Justice needs to file paperwork in the next three business days so construction can begin for the Flight 93 Memorial.
In order for the September 11, 2010 dedication date to go as planned, construction has to begin right away. That's why the end of May was set as the deadline to get the land.
The Department has already resorted to eminent domain to gain the property it needs, but the paperwork is not final.
The transfer of a key piece of land owned by PBS Coals has also not officially been closed.
Some people in the Alleghenies want to see the park done no matter what.
"I would hope that it would go through somehow. Someway it could be worked out so that the local community wouldn't suffer and that the park could still be there because it's important. It's important to our nation," said Evelyn Gaudry of Somerset County.
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