Monday, November 22, 2010
Flight 93 Blogburst: Bristol Palin vote-rigging perpetrated by HOMOSEXUAL PRANKSTERS, not by socially conservative Sarah Palin supporters

A good rule of thumb is: if you need a protractor to properly express your outrage, you’ve probably gone too far.Now Allah is again trying to play the role of "decider," telling everyone else what they should be concerned about. This time he is buying the Washington Post claim that it is conservatives who are exploiting a flaw in Dancing With the Stars voting-software to advance Bristol Palin through the competition (now all the way to the finals, to the shock and dismay of the professional judges). Thinking that it is conservatives who are implicated, Allah tries to dismiss the whole business as "a moronic non-scandal." Again, he manages to get the story wrong in every possible way.
A coordinated vote rigging effort has indeed been uncovered, with participants voting hundreds of times apiece for Bristol Palin, but the perpetrators are not conservatives, as WAPO reporter Lisa de Moraes told her readers. The actual perpetrators are an online network of FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL PRANKSTERS. Here is head prankster Kevin Dujan, exposing the WAPO fraud:
I also love that HB is now considered a leading conservative site.Unlike Allahpundit, de Moraes knows how seriously the Palins will be damaged if they are blamed for this travesty, which is exactly why she lied about who was doing the vote rigging.
Literally written by a gay dude, standing next to a gaysian, who is next to a stripper, who is chatting with a feisty Whitney-in-her-prime black woman while I keep trying to get the lame VJ Otho to play Twisted Sister or anything else kickass.
Welcome to the new, more fabulous face of conservatism.
By playing the whole thing up as a big joke, Allah is playing right into the WAPO ploy. Some of his followers are even jumping on the vote-Bristol bandwagon. Ditto for Ace of Spades HQ, which also fell for de Moraes' disinformation and is also going vote-Bristol. Smarten up people. The Palins are being set up for a world of hurt.
Competition shows are top ratings getters
Allah admits that he has never watched Dancing With the Stars, but a lot of people do. 20 million viewers watched it last week, second only to Sunday Night Football. That's twice the size of Obama's historic 2008 margin of victory (the largest for a non-incumbent), and a high percentage of these viewers are likely to be swing voters: generally conservative, but more interested in entertainment than politics.
Don't underestimate how annoyed these people already are that their competition has been gate-crashed by people who are gaming the vote in favor of an undeserving contestant, and Bristol is not just an inferior dancer, she is BAD. Nothing wrong with that, except when she gets promoted to the finals of a dance competition (kind of like Obama getting the Democratic nomination for president).
No purpose is served by a graphic description of Bristol's ineptitude. Just note that, to cover up her galumphing gait, her professional partner covered her up in both dances last week with curtain-like black dresses that completely obscured her legs. Be assured, it wasn't for no reason.
Other competition shows have been subject to the same kind of prank, just not this far in. Anyone remember Sanjaya Malakar of American Idol 2007, a gay-dar popping semi-talent who made it alarmingly close to the final thanks to a website called Vote for the Worst? If they had gotten him to the final it would have destroyed the honest competition.
Well this time the pranksters have gotten their golem into the final. The only question now is whether they can actually cram the final crown of thorns down onto the undeserving Bristol Palin's head.
Anyone who is sympathetic to Bristol should vote against her (until 11AM Eastern on the 23rd). She could also save herself by rejecting a winning vote. If she had done that last week, letting the show come down to what would have been a terrific final between Jennifer Grey and the wonderfully talented Brandy (already ousted), she would be a national hero right now, but better late than never.
It IS an epic prank
Nothing against the flamers for having their fun. A little culture clash can be a good thing. Heterosexual fans of the most heterosexual of all sports can always get friendly revenge by hosting a Jennifer and Derek vs. Brandy and Maksim TV special.
Good on the flamers too for using conservatives' partisanship against them. Undoubtedly there are substantial numbers of conservative Dance voters who are favoring Bristol because they like her mother. The same thing happened with Sanjaya Malakar, who had mountains of legitimate votes from adorably silly pre-teen girls, somehow drawn to Sanjaya's incandescent effeminacy. (Poor Sanjaya was so effeminate he had to explain to People Magazine why everyone thought he was gay.)
The Sanjaya pranksters only needed to add enough votes to push him over the top. Undoubtedly that prank was also largely the work of our relentlessly "transgressive" homosexual subculture, with their constant war on everything "normal." That's okay. It's a free country. Homosexuals can be as transgressive as they want and the rest of us can be as repulsed as we want. Just don't let conservatives get blamed for a transgressive effort.
It shameful enough that some conservative voters have been violating conservative principles by voting for other than the best dancer. We are not pre-teen girls, and voting for a blatantly inferior talent on the basis of political affinity is not adorable. If the homosexual pranksters want their victory, make them do the work.
Allahpundit still an obstacle to stopping the Flight 93 mega-mosque
Michelle Malkin played a key role in forcing the Park Service to agree to change the Crescent of Embrace memorial to Flight 93, but they never did change it. They call it a broken circle now, but that is what architect Paul Murdoch always called it. Our peaceful circle was broken on 9/11, turning it into a giant Islamic shaped crescent that just happens to point to Mecca. A more obvious memorial to the terrorists is hard to imagine.
The only actual change was to add an extra arc of trees that explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle. The unbroken part of the circle, what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11, is just the original Crescent of Embrace.
A crescent that points to Mecca is a very familiar construct in the Islamic world. Every mosque is built around a Mecca-direction indicator called a mihrab, and the classic mihrab is crescent shaped. Face into the crescent to face Mecca, just as with the Crescent of Embrace.
Most mihrabs are small. A large one might be 20 or 30 feet across. The Crescent/broken-circle in the Flight 93 memorial is over half a mile across. The full memorial will be the world's largest mosque by a factor of about a hundred, yet Allah dismisses the whole thing on some supposed principle that we shouldn't be worried which direction things point. Tell that to the Muslims, whose only universal symbol is orientation on Mecca.
When Michelle Malkin started Hot Air, she handed the Flight 93 portfolio to Allahpundit. Because of Allah's mishandling, most of Michelle's readers think the Flight 93 memorial controversy must have been taken care of, even as the world's largest mosque is right now being planted atop the graves of our murder heroes.
We are not against AP. He is perfectly well meaning and does a lot of good work. He is just incredibly careless sometimes. So here is an invitation to Allah and to Michelle: please read the full page color advertisement that Tom Burnett Senior and Alec Rawls (the author of this post) ran in the Somerset Daily American this 9/11, when Laura Bush and Michelle Obama were both in Pennsylvania for the anniversary. Take a fresh look at what is actually being built right under our noses.
To join our blogburst against the crescent mosque, just send your blog's url.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Bristol Palin vote-rigging perpetrated by HOMOSEXUAL PRANKSTERS, not by socially conservative Sarah Palin supporters
He is also a flaming faggot (not that there's anything wrong with that), coordinating with his flamer friends. HillBuzz blogger "kevindujan01" is fully aware of how the Post is using him as a weapon against conservatives and is just "fabulous" with it:
I also love that HB is now considered a leading conservative site.The new more fabulous face of conservatism, as deliberately misrepresented by WAPO's Lisa de Moraes.
Literally written by a gay dude, standing next to a gaysian, who is next to a stripper, who is chatting with a feisty Whitney-in-her-prime black woman while I keep trying to get the lame VJ Otho to play Twisted Sister or anything else kickass.
Welcome to the new, more fabulous face of conservatism.
Ace and Allahpundit are getting rolled by the homosexual pranksters
Both are accepting the WAPO line that the vote rigging is being perpetrated by Palin conservatives and are dismissing the whole foo-forah on the grounds that its just a popularity poll and "everybody does it." Indeed, these polls are actually set up to encourage multiple votes. That's part of how competition shows make their money, by taking commissions on the call-in votes. But over the years there have been a number of online-coordinated voting attacks aimed specifically at gaining a perverse result and these shenanigans are seriously annoying to the non-cynical viewers of these hugely popular shows.
Anyone remember Sanjaya Malakar, the effeminate semi-talent from American Idol 2007 who got alarmingly close to the final thanks in large part to a website called "Vote for the Worst"?
Lots of little girls apparently liked Sanjaya's puppy-dog manner and the way he fondled his luxurious locks, but it was outside groups--not actual fans of the show--that kept him in week after week. Undoubtedly the gays had a large role in that prank as well. Sanjaya is so overtly effeminate that he had to explain to People Magazine why everyone always thinks he is gay:
I got teased in school because people figured I must be gay because I understand women.Apparently he only has one wire crossed and just seems gay, which was plenty benough to make his prank-advancement irresistible to our aggressively transgressive homosexual activists.
If the pranksters had actually gotten Sanjaya into the final it would have been a complete debasement of the competition. This seems to be what has actually happened with Bristol Palin. No one should underestimate how annoying this is to actual fans of the show. They are watching to see a real competition and just when they get to the ball, Lucy pulls it away. The Washington Post is trying to direct the fallout to conservatives when its own evidence points to homosexual pranksters. Fans of the show need to be told where the evidence actually points, so that they can direct their ire accordingly.
How bad is Bristol?
I'm a ballroom dancer. I've been doing it for 15 years and have always had a special talent for leading. Give me a girl who has never danced before and if she has above average natural ability I can have her smoothly following intermediate level steps by the end of one song. If she has serious natural talent, she'll be flying in two.
The first time Bristol Palin took the floor it was completely obvious that she was a BAD beginner. NO natural talent. After a couple weeks of preparation she clomped through her dance like she was trudging through a swamp. "Oh no," I said to myself, "this is going to get gamed: the pranksters are going to keep her in for the humiliation value." With Bristol intentionally dressing up like her mother, this had disaster written all over it.
Bristol has made progress. She's worked at it to the point where she's managed to reach an average level of dancing. She's kept her head and her spirits up and thankfully has managed to remain oblivious to her own shortcomings. Good for her. But her reaching the final above the wonderfully talented Brandy is a travesty. Brandy would have made it a final for the ages. Now we are going to see Bristol Palin get absolutely crushed by the beautiful and talented Jennifer Grey. Then comes the worst part: waiting to see whether the pranksters are able to deliver the final perversion and cram a crown of thorns onto the undeserving Bristol Palin's head.
Help save the Palins by voting against Bristol
I've never voted on one of these shows, but I will next week. The only way to counter the pranksters is for Bristol Palin fans to vote for the best performance which, excluding a miracle, will mean voting NOT for Bristol Palin. Otherwise they are playing into the hands of these cynical homosexuals whose great desire is to pervert a heterosexual competition. Listen to kevindujan01's cynical flaming:
The judges want the woman claiming to be Jennifer Grey (but looks nothing like her) to win, with Scotch-on-the-Rocks as a close second (good thing the consolation prize isn’t a car).The guy's a total dirt-bag, justifying bad behavior with the most ludicrous snark. Jennifer Grey looks nothing like Jennifer Grey? Amazingly, she looks almost the same as she did when she played a 15 year old in Dirty Dancing, one of the great movies of all time. And "scotch on the rocks"? Brandy was a hundred times better in week one than Bristol Palin could EVER be.
Bristol can't even motivate herself to lose a few pounds for national television. It's ridiculous. She's out there waddling around with a 25 pound tummy. Sigh.
With the media primed to blame Sarah Palin supporters for a perverse result, the only way out for conservatives is to make sure the perverse result does not happen. Conservatives are not supposed to vote for semi-talented favorites in the first place. It is already an embarrassment to conservative principles that Palin fans helped her get this far. The only way to limit the damage is by voting at last for the better dancer.
Flamers and DADT
On the subject of flamers, this is why Don't Ask Don't Tell should not be repealed. Under DADT, homosexuals can serve in the military but they are not allowed to flame. End DADT and they will be allowed to flame. Merely being openly, suggestively, struttingly, fabulously, wrist bendingly, hip-pointingly, gaydar-explodingly homosexual is exactly what will no longer be off limits.
Anyone who thinks that is not going to damage unit-cohesiveness and recruiting isn't thinking at all. The heterosexual young men who make up the vast majority of recruits will continue to be deprived of female company, but now they will have to put up with gay-as-I-wanna-be drama queens. Each squad, platoon, company and battalion will be prone to develop its own "boytown" as Kevin Dujan calls his gay circuit, pushing as far towards civilian gay norms as the military will allow, and the ending of DADT means precisely that they will allow it.
Read Goodby Good Men, about the take-over of the American Catholic church hierarchy by a cabal of homosexual church haters, for an idea of what can happen, and that was on the sly. Just wait until open homosexuality is allowed.
Cat fighting. In-your-face come ons directed to gay and straight alike. Subtle serious come-ons. Where is it going to end? Nobody's thinking about that. Once the DADT line falls, there is no plan to replace it with any other line.
The transgressive-for-transgressive's sake culture of Dujan et al., debasing a simple dance competition just because doing so is "hilarious," will be just as corrosive to the military. Thirty percent of the military (40% of the Marines) already think it will be corrosive, and that's before they have seen the homosexual behavior that would be released. Give them a tour of the coming Boytown (the Pentagon poll only asked if having "an openly gay person in a unit" would be a problem, it didn't ask about the development of an openly gay subculture) and the percentage of objectors will increase dramatically, but by then it will be too late. Long built-up traditions and institutions can't just be blown up and then restored.
The answer is to make the corrosive homosexual behavior--the "out" behavior—off limits from the beginning. That is just what DADT does. We may have arrived at it through a bumbling political process, but it is actually well targeted.