Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Lying about the 44 blocks
[T]here are 40 inscribed marble panels listing the names of the passengers and crew at the gateway to the Sacred Ground, where their remains still rest.Yes he does. Paul Murdoch is fully aware of the large dedicatory glass block at the end of the Entry Portal Walkway:
There is then an opening in the wall, Mr. Murdoch said, and three additional panels, which would include the date, Sept. 11, 2001.
"Where the other one is being fabricated, I don't know," he said.

Man and child stand in front of the 44th block, which forms the railing at the end of the Entry Portal Walkway. The glass block will be inscribed: "A field of honor forever." This Walkway provides visitors with their first view of the inside of the giant crescent. (From the Entry Portal page of the original design PDFs. Click pic for wider view.)
The flight path
The Entry Portal Walkway is built along the flight path. It signifies, in Paul Murdoch's own description, the terrorists breaking the circle and turning it into a giant crescent. The flight path then continues down to the crash site, which sits in the middle of the mouth of the giant crescent (in roughly the position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag).
Just before the impact point is the Memorial Wall, also built along the flight path. This two part wall is where the other 43 blocks will be placed (the ones described by Paul Murdoch above):

The forty translucent blocks that run horizontally through the left hand section of wall (closest to the impact crater) will be inscribed with the names of the forty murdered heroes. The three on the right will be inscribed with the 9/11 date. (From the Sacred Ground Plaza page of the original design PDF's. Click pic for larger image. The alternating white and gray depicts the zig zag layout of the translucent blocks.)
Having used the flight path as organizing principle for his design, Paul Murdoch is obviously well aware of what is built along it. Here is a map showing the flight path and the locations of the 44 blocks. You can see that the Entry Portal Walkway and the Memorial Wall are the only structures on the flight path:

Challenged by the father of one of our murdered heroes, Murdoch told a desperate lie, feigning ignorance of one of the most prominent features of his own design: the huge glass block that dedicates the entire site. This should have been the end of his hijack attempt, but Murdoch's deception was abetted by both the Memorial Project and the press.
The abettors
"That has been disproved so many times," said Bill Hayworth, the Memorial Project's PR flack, when asked about the 44 blocks. Would it have been too much for reporters to ask for this proof?
In fact Murdoch is the first one to ever even deny that there are 44 glass blocks on the flight path. The only earlier Memorial Project statement about the 44 blocks was from Project Manager Jeff Reinbold, who told me in an April 2006 conference call with Superintendent Hanley that the giant glass block can't be counted with the small glass blocks because it is bigger: "If we are going to count the big glass block with the small glass blocks," he said, "then we have to count the windows in the visitor center too." (Crescent of Betrayal, download 3, p. 146.)
"The windows in the visitor center are not on the flight path," I replied. I never said the 44 blocks were all the same size, and I never said there are no other pieces of glass in the Memorial. Reinbold's silly dodges do not contradict my 44 glass blocks claim in any way.
The press was also in on the deception. Kecia Bal, the reporter who quoted Hayworth's dismissal of the 44 blocks claim had already verified the block count for herself. I had earlier sent her close ups of all 44. She responded with a request for copies of the original design PDFs, so she could check the veracity of these close-ups for herself.
When Bal quoted Hayworth, she knew that Hayworth was wrong, and allowed him to mislead the public by suppressing her own fact checking of the 44 blocks. People can think that the 44 blocks are innocuous if they want, but lying about the block count certainly is not innocuous. Similarly for many the other lies that are being told in defense of the crescent design.
Memorial Project members insist that it is just coincidence that a person facing directly into the giant crescent will be facing almost exactly at Mecca, but that isn’t what they are telling the public. They are telling the newspapers that the Mecca-orientation claim is false, while acknowledging amongst themselves that the Mecca orientation is real.
Again and again Murdoch, the Memorial Project and the press are lying in concert to cover up the facts of the design. Some people will be unsure what to make of the many suspicious features of the crescent design but no one should doubt the need to expose and condemn those who lie about the facts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"A pig is a pig!"
What the hell? You change words. A pig is a pig!No doubt about that.

“How about if we don’t CALL it a crescent?” (Click pic for larger image)
See the Memorial Plaza that is situated roughly in the position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag? It marks the crash site. It doesn't have to be CALLED an Islamic star for this placement as the star on an Islamic flag to be inappropriate.
Mountain Goat and the 44 blocks
From PJ Country comes news of the Memorial Project’s latest effort to help architect Paul Murdoch adjust the disguise on his terrorist memorializing design, just enough for him to slip through gate security.
“Mountain Goat” called the Memorial Project a few weeks ago to ask about the 44 inscribed translucent blocks that are to be emplaced along the flight path. (There were 40 heroes and 4 terrorists on the flight.)
The person he spoke to said that the three translucent marble blocks that were to be inscribed with the 9/11 date are going to be replaced with a single block, “roughly the length three of the other blocks would have been.”
That would reduce the block count from 44 to 42, but would it actually fix anything?
Whether the 9/11 date is inscribed on three blocks or one, these blocks are to be built into a separate section of Memorial Wall that is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent. That is the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag. Thus the date goes to the Islamic flag--the date goes to the terrorists--no matter how many blocks are used.

See the trail that enters the Memorial Plaza (the star on the flag) from the left? It divides the Memorial Wall into separate upper and lower sections. The upper section has the 9/11 date inscribed. You can see that this upper section of wall is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent (the exact position of an Islamic star). Click for larger image.
End it, don't mend it
No amount of tweaking the design can alter its terrorist memorializing intent. “Fix” every one of the half dozen large scale terrorist memorializing features in the design by making them all a little bit "off," and it only establishes the long term Islamo-fascist goal of one day restoring the Crescent mosque to its intended configuration, the same way the jihadists now use re-possession of the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem (the Dome of the Rock) as a motivation driving the Jews out of Israel.
Most ridiculous of all is the Bowl of Embrace redesign, which leaves every particle of the original Crescent of Embrace design completely intact, only adding some surrounding trees. “Here, put on this burka, then you can sneak your bomb on board the airplane.”
The proper answer, when someone is caught trying to sneak an Islamo-fascist plot through gate security, is not to tell him to go back outside and try again. It is to cart him away.
Call or write the Memorial Project

Flight 93 National Memorial
109 West Main Street
Suite 104
Somerset, PA 15560
(814) 443-4557 Phone
(814) 443-2180 Fax
And here are some email addresses, all together, and individually:
Memorial Project Chairman, John Reynolds:
Project Superintendent Joanne Hanley:
Project Manager Jeff Reinbold:
Chief Ranger Jill Hawk (who conducted the phony internal investigation):
Park Service spokesman Phil Sheridan:
Director, Northeast sector of Park Service, Mary Bomar (oversees Memorial Project):
Communications officer, National Park Service, Gerry Gaumer (one of the rare heroes of the story so far):
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The exact Mecca orientation of the Flight 93 Memorial
•Patrick White, Vice President of Families of Flight 93, argues that the giant crescent cannot be seen as a tribute to Islam because the inexactness of its Mecca orientation would be "disrespectful to Islam."All of this willful blindness about the simple orientation of the crescent structure has been effective in keeping public inquiry from reaching a second startling fact: that the crescent design also contains a hidden exact Mecca orientation, corresponding to architect Paul Murdoch's own description of how the crescent structure should be interpreted.
•Both major Pittsburgh newspapers are denying that there is any such thing as the direction to Mecca.
•The internal investigation conducted by the Park Service denies that there is any such thing as almost:...mihrab orientation either points to Mecca or it does not ... [it] cannot be off by "some" degrees. [From page 2 of report summary. Page 1 here.]
Physical crescent tip vs. thematic crescent tip
What points not quite exactly at Mecca is the physical Crescent of Embrace structure (every particle of which remains completely intact in the Bowl of Embrace redesign). Connect the most obtruding tips of the physical crescent, form the perpendicular bisector to this line (the bisector of the crescent), and it points 1.8° north of Mecca:

The green circle with "qibla" direction marked is from the Mecca-direction calculator at "Qibla" is Arabic for "prayer direction," which Muslims calculate as the "great circle" or "shortest distance" direction to Mecca.
But Paul Murdoch has also given a thematic explanation for the crescent structure, indicating how the thematic or "true" upper crescent tip should be understood. In Murdoch's description, the flight path breaks the circle, turning it into a giant crescent. Thus the thematic upper crescent tip is what is left of the crescent structure after the parts that are "broken off" by the flight path are removed. Take away the parts of the Entry Portal Walls that extend out beyond the flight path, connect the most obtruding tips of the remaining structure, and a perpendicular to this line points within a couple hundredths of a degree of Mecca (i.e. it points exactly at Mecca, as far as can be determined given the pixel resolution of the graphics).
The flight path is represented in the Crescent/Bowl design by the Entry Portal Walkway, which comes down from the NNW. The Walkway passes through the Entry Portal Walls and projects out into the crescent:

Take away the parts of the crescent structure that are "broken off" by the flight path, and the remaining crescent structure is oriented exactly on Mecca. (Click pic for larger image.)
[The above graphic was created by laying the Crescent of Embrace and the Bowl of Embrace site plans on top of each other. This was done to accurately capture the one real change that Murdoch made in the Bowl of Embrace redesign: the lengthening of the Entry Portal Walkway. (See "Memorial riddle #2: Why did Paul Murdoch lengthen the Entry Portal Walkway?) So that the new Walkway length can be seen, the low resolutionBowl of Embrace site plan is enhanced by overlaying it with the high resolution Crescent of Embrace site plan.]
The 44th inscribed translucent block on the flight path
At the end of the Entry Portal Walkway (marking the thematic or "true" upper crescent tip, according to Murdoch's own description), sits a large glass block, inscribed with LAFD Captain Stephen J. Ruda's dedication: "A common field one day. A field of honor forever."
This will be the 44th inscribed translucent block emplaced along the flight path, matching the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists. 40 will be inscribed with the names of the 40 heroes (despite Tom Burnett's demand that Tom Jr.'s name not be used). Three three more will be built into a separate section of Memorial Wall that is centered on the bisector of the giant crescent (the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag). These three blocks will be inscribed with the 9/11 date. Thus the date goes to the Islamic star. The date goes to the terrorists.
By having the 44th glass block mark the thematic "true" upper crescent tip, and by having that thematic crescent tip create a hidden exact Mecca orientation for the giant crescent, Murdoch is able to tie his Islamic and his terrorist memorializing design features together into a perfect bin Ladenist embrace.

After all, it does not get much more naked than this:

Or this:

Or this:

The Walkway riddle: When Paul Murdoch extended the Entry Portal Walkway, he was doing more than just perfecting the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent. This slight adjustment in the placement of the 44th block also perfected two other terrorist memorializing elements of Murdoch's mosque. Anyone who can figure out either of these elements before looking at the answer wins a glorious prize.
Answer to riddle #2: Why did Paul Murdoch lengthen the Entry Portal Walkway?

In both the original design (left) and the redesign (right), the Entry Portal Walkway follows the path of Flight 93. It is the line that comes steeply down from the NNW, crosses the upper crescent tip,and projects out into the crescent. The walkway is substantially longer in the Bowl of Embrace redesign.
According to Paul Murdoch's thematic explanation of the crescent design, the flight path depicts the terrorists breaking the circle, turning it into a giant crescent. Thus the end of the Walkway defines a hidden thematic orientation of Murdoch's giant crescent. Remove the parts of the crescent that are "broken off" by the flight path (i.e. the parts that extend out beyond the flight path), and the end of the walkway becomes the most obtruding upper tip of the remaining structure.
As seen in the post above, Murdoch's thematic crescent is oriented exactly on Mecca. Connect the thematic upper crescent tip to the unambiguous lower crescent tip, form the perpendicular bisector (the bisector of the crescent), and it points to within a couple hundredths of a degree of Mecca (which is as close to exact as can be determined given the pixel resolution of the graphics).
This is one reason Murdoch extended the Walkway: to get the Mecca orientation of his hidden thematic crescent exactly right. But lenghening the Walkway also perfects two other terrorist memorializing features.
At the end of the Entry Portal Walkway sits the 44th inscribed translucent block on the flight path. (There were forty heroes on Flight 93 and four terrorists.) In Murdoch's plan, this 44th block is the kingpin that ties his Islamic and terrorist memorializing features together. It has to be positioned just so in relation to the other 43 blocks, and to other key points in Murdoch's design. This is why Murdoch wasn't able to get the length of the Walkway quite right the first time around: it is a complicated problem. The exact position of the 44th block has to solve three simutaneous equations. Creating the exact Mecca orientation of the thematic crescent is only Job 1.
Job 2: Implicating the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall
Job 2 is to provide comfirmation of intent. Murdoch's first step here is to have the 44th block implicate the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall:

Click for larger images. A line that starts at the bottom crescent tip and projects through the glass block at the end of Entry Portal Walkway lands at the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall. (Underlying image is a composite of the Crescent and Bowl site plans. The Bowl graphic is low resolution, but by lining up the topo lines on the two graphics, the higher resolution detail of the Crescent graphic can be combined with the new Walkway length from the Bowl graphic.)
The logic of using the outer Entry Portal Wall to confirm the thematic "true" orientation of the crescent is pretty straight-forward. If the overt orientation of the crescent is defined by a line from the bottom crescent tip to the end of the INNER Entry Portal Wall, then the obvious way to create a second hidden (but not too hidden) orientation of the crescent would be to connect a line from the bottom crescent tip to the end of the slight further out and more recessed OUTER Entry Portal Wall, and this is what Murdoch has done.
But this replication of the "true" thematic orientation of the crescent is only the first step in Murdoch's confirmation of intent. To get the 100% irrefutable proof of intent that he is looking for, he takes the entire multi-Mecca oriented geometry of the central crescent and repeats it exactly in the crescents of trees that surround the Tower of Voices portion of the memorial.
The entire multi-Mecca oriented geometry of the central crescent is repeated in the Tower crescents
First note that a line across the most obtruding tips of the Tower crescents points 1.8° north of Mecca, exactly replicationg the almost exact Mecca orientation of the full central crescent:

Superimpose this overt orientation of the Tower crescents on the overt orientation of the central crescent and, ta-da:

Red and blue make purple. The orientations are identical, within the pixel resolution of the graphics. Both point 1.8° north of Mecca.
The Tower array also includes a hidden exact Mecca orientation, and it is created the exact same way that the hidden exact Mecca orientation of the central crescent is created. Both crescent structures have a single unambiguous crescent tip on the right, combined with a pair of possible crescent tips on the left: a most obtruding crescent tip, followed by a slightly further out and more recessed crescent tip. Connect a line from the single crescent tip on the right to the slightly further out and more recessed crescent tip on the left, and in both cases the result is an orientation exactly on Mecca:

Red line points 1.8° north of Mecca. Swinging inwards to the further out and more recessed crescent tip on the left, the resulting black line points exactly to Mecca.
With the central crescent, it is the crescent bisectors that point to Mecca. With the Tower crescents, it is lines across the crescent tips themselves that point to Mecca. Otherwise the two geometries are identical. Rotate the central crescent 90° CCW and the two geometries overlay precisely:

Both structures combine a single crescent tip on the right with a pair of crescent tips on the left. In both, a line connecting the most obtruding crescent tips yield an orientation slightly north of Mecca (red). In both, a line to the further out and more recessed of the left hand crescent tips yield an orientation exactly on Mecca (black).
Success. Murdoch has his irrefutable proof. To think that an entire multi-Mecca oriented geometry could not just occur by coincidence, but be exactly repeated by coincidence, is like coming across a turbo diesel engine in the desert, with VOLVO stamped on the head covers, and thinking it could be the product of geologic forces.
Forensic analysis of Murdoch's mistake: Why did he initially make the Entry Portal Walkway too short?
When Murdoch gets the placement of the 44th block right, it is centered on a line between the bottom crescent tip and the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall. This centering provides a likely explanation for why Murdoch originally placed the block in the wrong place.
Notice in the preceding graphic that I have used a very narrow red line to connect the tips of the "true" crescent. I place it ON the bottom crescent tip, it passes THROUGH the 44th block, and lands ON the upper crescent tip. If I were to do the same thing with a fat line, still landing in ON the upper and lower crescent tips, the center of the line would move to the right. Thus the 44th block, which is centered on the line, would also move to the right, which would shorten the Entry Portal Walkway.
I suspect this is what happened because I initially made this very same mistake. It took me a while to figure out that the Islamo-fascist geometry of Murdoch's 44th block was not quite precise because I started out using fat lines, and when I connected the bottom crescent tip to the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall, the line when smack over the 44th block. I even think I know why Murdoch was using fat lines. Just by coincidence, MY fat lines turned out to have the same pixel width as Murdoch's trees. When Murdoch placed the trunk of his last red maple at the bottom, he knew that the full tree would extend out another twenty feet, so he had to make the same adjustment at the top, forcing him in effect to think in terms of fat lines, and that is probably how he made his mistake.
Being a very able fellow (mechanically if not morally), he caught this mistake and fixed it in the Bowl of Embrace redesign.
Now I don't have to try to explain that "exact" is still not quite "exact"
The first draft of my Crescent of Betrayal book was burdened by the need to describe how there was this slight flaw in the Islamo-fascist precision of Murdoch's design: that if only he had made the Entry Portal Walkway a bit longer, his full Islamo-fascist puzzle would come together exactly. It is hard enough to get people to comprehend exactly formed terrorist memorializing elements, without having to talk about elements that are not quite precise in their Islamo-fascist symbolism. What a bother! I was not looking forward to trying to answer, on TV and radio how "exact" was still not quite "exact"? Thus I was pleased when I saw that Murdoch's Bowl of Embrace redesign had fixed the length of the Walkway. Thank you Mr. Murdoch, for fixing the Islamo-fascist precision of your design and sparing me this explanatory difficulty.
Lengthening the Walkway puts the exact Mecca bisector directly onto the glass blocks inscribed with the 9/11 date
Job 3 for the positioning of the 44th block has to do with its positioning vis a vis the other blocks.
The bisector of the full crescent structure (pointing 1.8° north of Mecca) passes through the center of the separate upper section of Memorial Wall that is inscribed with the 9/11 date, placing the 9/11 date in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag. Moving to the hidden "true" upper crescent tip, defined by the 44th block, alters the bisector of the crescent so that it no longer hits the center of the upper section of Memorial Wall. How can Murdoch retain the crescent and star configuration of his design when looking at the "true" crescent? How can he keep the 9/11 date in the exact position of the star on the Islamic flag?
Look back at the bisector that results when the 44th block is used as the most obtruding upper crescent tip (setting aside the parts of the crescednt structure that are "broken off" by the flight path). See where it hits the Memorial Wall? It hits right above where the trail can be seen coming in from the left. That trail divides the Memorial wall into a lower part, closer to the impact crater, and an upper part, further up the flight path. Thus the bisector of the "true" crescent hits right at the bottom end of the upper section of Memorial Wall. that is right where the three glass blocks, inscribed with the 9/11 date, are to be emplaced.
For closer look, here are detail views of where the bisectors of both the full crescent and the thematic crescent cross the Memorial Wall:

The detail on the left shows where the bisector of the full crescent structure crosses the Memorial Wall. The blue arrow marks the point where a trail can be seen coming in from the left. That trail sections off the separate upper section of Memorial Wall, inscribed with the 9/11 date:

Looking back at the detail view of the full crescent (left above), you can see that the upper section of Memorial Wall is centered on the bisector of the full crescent.
The right hand detail shows the bisector of the thematic crescent hitting the Memorial Wall just above the point where the trail partitions off the upper section of Memorial Wall. This bottom end of the upper section of Memorial Wall is where the glass blocks, inscribed with the 9/11 date, are embedded in the uppers section of wall (as seen in the wall detail above).
So there you have it. The full crescent structure has the full upper section of Memorial Wall centered on its bisector. Centered on the bisector of the thematic crescent structure (defined by the 44th glass block on the flight path) are the actual translucent blocks that are inscribed with the 9/11 date.
As I have said many times, Murdoch is an evil genius. It's a damned good thing he settled on an art attack, because if he set himself to making bombs, he would probably be very good at it.
More forensics: Where are the missing degrees of freedom?
There is a bit of mystery to how Murdoch was able to perfect the intersection of the "true" crescent bisector and the blocks inscribed with the 9/11 date just by lengthening the Entry Portal Walkway. Mathematically, he should need more degrees of freedom (be free to change more things) if he wants to arrange for the bisector of the thematic crescent to cross the Memorial Wall at a chosen point. If Murdoch does not change anything else (and he didn't change anything else), length of the walkway is not up for choice at all. It has to be positioned exactly between the lower crescent tip and the end of the outer Entry Portal Wall. How then is Murdoch able to use the change in the length of the Entry Portal Walkway to pick the point where the crescent bisector hits the Memorial Wall? The model is overdetermined!
Prima facie, it seems that Murdoch's success in achieving Islamo-fascist precision must be a matter either of luck or of Satanic intervention. No luck or Satanic intervention would be necessary if Murdoch could change how far the Entry Portal Walls extend out beyond the flight path. That would give him the additional degree of freedom necessary to arrange for the exact Mecca bisector to intersect the Memorial Wall at the point of his choosing, but it seems that the redesign made no change in the length of the Entry Portal Walls. It is a little hard to be certain of this given the low resolution of the Bowl of Embrace site plan, but in any case my calculations assume that there is no change in the length of the walls. (The walls are more visible in the Crescent site plan, so in the overlay of the two designs, it is the Crescent plan that ends up defining the ends of the walls.)
That just leaves one possible explanation (besides luck or Satanic intervention). Murdoch may have actually had all this worked out before he finalized the Crescent of Embrace site plan PDF, arranging the geometry of the site plan to work with the longer Walkway length, while still depicting the shorter walkway length in the PDF. Why would he do such a thing? Very simple: thecrescent PDF's include several detail views and artistic renderings of the upper crescent tip, all of which depict the shorter Entry Portal Walkway. (See, for instance, this artistic rendering of the 44th glass block that sits at the end of the Walkway.) Murdoch couldn't at the last minute change the length of the walkway in these artistic renderings, but he could at the last minute make small changes to the geometry of the site plan, in preparation for later lengthening the Entry Portal Walkway.
This is MY best guess as to what happened. No Satanic intervention. Just a very clever Satan worshipping architect.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Memorial Riddle #2: Why did architect Paul Murdoch lengthen the Entry Portal Walkway?

Original naked Crescentof Embrace design (left). Re-colored Bowl of Embrace redesign (right) just adds a few surrounding trees.
Every particle of the Crescent of Embrace structure remains completely intact in the Bowl of Embrace redesign, except for one small alteration. The Entry Portal Walkway was substantially lengthened:

Left: detail of upper crescent tip from the high resolution Crescent of Embrace site plan. Right: same detail from the medium resolution Bowl of Embrace site plan.
Lengthening the walkway is the only real change that Murdoch made in the redesign. Why did he do it? Answer next Wednesday.
Hint: at the end of the Entry Portal Walkway sits the 44th inscribed translucent block on the flight path (matching the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists). It commemorates the spot where, in Murdoch's own explanation, the terrorists broke the circle and turned it into a crescent. Thus the end of the walkway marks the thematic or "true" upper crescent tip.
Murdoch's slight adjustment in the exact placement of this "true" crescent tip accomplishes two things. Winning "tackle the bare naked hijacker" awards to the first people to get either of the two answers. Plain "tackle" logos for anyone else who wants one. Sized for your sidebar:

After all, it does not get much more naked than this:

Or this:

Or this:

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Short riddle answer: Why only 38 Memorial Groves?
There are two features of the crescent design that eluded me until recently. First, I couldn’t figure out why there were only 38 Memorial Groves instead of the advertised 40:

Second, I know that the center of the Tower of Voices portion of the memorial is a year-round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial, and I know that a line across the most obtruding tips of the Tower crescents gives the direction to Mecca, but I couldn’t figure out what Murdoch was doing with the rest of the vast array of nested crescents that surround the Tower.
Both puzzles turn out to have the same answer. The 38 Memorial Groves can be seen as a set of 19 nested crescents, each one pointing to the White House:

A line across the Memorial Groves has the same slope (129° clockwise from north) as a line between the crash site and the White House.
Take two groves away from the arc of 38 and a line across the tips of the remaining 36 will also point to the White House. Ditto for 34 groves, 32, etcetera, down to 2. One nested crescent for each of the 19 9/11 terrorists.
Now count the arcs of 2 or more trees in the Tower array:

The Tower array contains nineteen nested crescents of various lengths, just as the 38 Memorial Groves do, plus it contains four single trees, giving special recognition to the four Flight 93 hijackers.
So this is the short answer to the 38 groves riddle: one of Paul Murdoch's repeated terrorist memorializing themes is his repeated use of 19 nested crescents to memorialize the full complement of 19 9/11 hijackers.
I also have a full answer posted that looks at how this short answer integrates with Murdoch's repeated theme of placing the terrorist memorializing elements of his design in the symbolic Islamic heavens, while placing his memorials to the 40 murdered passengers and crew symbolically outside of the Islamic heavens. This is the fundamental reason why there cannot be 40 Memorial groves. The groves are part of the giant crescent, which means they are part of the symbolic Islamic heavens. Infidels cannot be represented in the Islamic heavens.
Help tackle the hijacker
Most of today's other blogbursters (see the special blogburst blogroll on the sidebar) are posting about the media's current flat denial of what a half dozen different bloggers have already confirmed: the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent. There could not be more overt challenge to the blogosphere's fact checking. Can the blogosphere rise to the occasion?
Usually our challenge is just the opposite. The blogosphere uncovers an important issue and is unable to get its fact checking into the mainstream media. This time both of Pittsburgh's two major newspapers are coming out with both barrels against the easy to verify Mecca-orientation of the crescent memorial and the question is whether the blogosphere is going to show up for the fight. Can bloggers retrieve their own earlier fact checking (from September 2005) and expose the media's blatant deception? (My full post post about Pittsburgh media blocking for the hijacker here.)
If you are a blogger, please join our blogbursts. Cao will send out a default post every week for those who don't have something of their own to post, and we'll keep hammering at it until people understand that America is actually in the process of building a terrorist memorial mosque on the Flight 93 crash site.
If you don't have your own blog, please leave comments that link to this subject wherever it seems relevant. The media is working furiously to suppress the truth about the Flight 93 Memorial. They knew about the Mecca orientation of the crescent way back in 2005 and decided to suppress it. If the truth comes out now, they are ruined, so they are flat out abetting the terrorist.
That leaves it to the rest of us to break this story for ourselves. Our big advantage? This is going to be fun. How many chances are you going to get to help tackle a hijacker?
Evil genius and willful blindness
The density of Islamic and terrorist memorializing symbolism that Murdoch achieves is quite amazing. Just in the Tower of Voices portion of the memorial there are four major terror-mosque features:
1. A line across the most obtruding tips of the Tower crescents points 1.8° north of mecca, exactly replicating the almost-exact Mecca orientation of the giant central crescent.Matching Murdoch's evil genius is the equally amazing stupidity and mendacity of the many defenders of the crescent who are fully aware of the Mecca orientation of Murdoch's giant crescent; of the 44 inscribed translucent blocks emplaced along the flight path; of the placement of the 9/11 date in the exact position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag; yet insist that it is all coincidence, at the same time as they tell the public that none of these things are true.
2. The Tower itself, together with the innmost arc of trees, forms a year round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial
3. There is the repetition of the 19 nested crescents theme.
4. And as seen in my longer riddle answer, the Tower array also contains a depiction of the 40 infidels, cast out of the Islamic heavens. (Murdoch's way of identifying the part of the Tower array that represents the Islamic heavens is beyond clever. It is a Bach fugue of calculated evil.)
It takes willful blindness to think that any of these geometric facts could be coincidence. Hell, it takes willful blindness not to see that the original design was a bare naked crescent and star flag, even without knowing about its Mecca orientation or any of its more detailed terrorist memorializing elements:

Every particle of this original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the Bowl of Embrace redesign, which only added some surrounding trees.
The American people caught this bastard Murdoch sneaking his crescent and star flag onto the crash site back in September 2005. The Memorial Project told him to put on a disguise and try again. No more. Murdoch and his enablers all need to be exposed now.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Full riddle answer: Why only 38 Memorial Groves?

From Memorial Project’s 2006 pitch for approval of what was originally called the Crescent of Embrace design.
When controversy over the crescent shape and name arose, the name was even changed briefly to “40 Memorial Groves.” That lasted, I am guessing, until someone decided to actually count the Memorial Groves:

The crescent design contains only 38 Memorial Groves, not the advertised 40.
Notice that there is room for another grove at each end of the arc of 38. Architect Paul Murdoch could easily have upped the number to 40. Indeed, it looks like he deliberately left space for two more, in case somebody realizes that he is short and he is forced to put them in, yet he is choosing to leave them out. Why?
If you want the short answer, click here. For the full answer, read on.
Murdoch’s biggest challenge: how to build a terrorist memorial mosque that is nominally a memorial to 40 infidels, without tainting his mosque by actually honoring the 40 infidels
A person facing directly into Murdoch's giant crescent will be facing almost exactly at Mecca. That makes it a mihrab, the central feature around which every mosque is built. All the Bowl of Embrace redesign did was add some surrounding trees, but you can plant as may trees around a mosque as you want and it will still be a mosque.
A legitimate mosque cannot include any actual valorization of infidels. Traditional Islam is very serious about keeping infidels out of mosques. It is a death penalty crime for infidels to visit the Sacred Mosque in Mecca. Thus the trickiest challenge Murdoch faced in designing his terrorist memorial mosque was how to keep what was nominally a memorial to the passengers and crew of Flight 93 from actually honoring these 40 infidels. With the 44 translucent blocks inscribed along the flight path, Murdoch met this challenge brilliantly.
All of the 4 blocks that are NOT inscribed with the names of the murdered passengers and crew (4 being the number of terrorist hijackers), are placed symbolically in the Islamic heavens. The three that are inscribed with the 9/11 date are in the position of the star on an Islamic crescent and star flag, while the 44th block is at the upper crescent tip, commemorating the spot where the terrorists broke our circle and turned it into a giant Mecca oriented crescent.
In contrast, the 40 blocks inscribed with the names of the 40 infidels are further down the flight path, below the star on the Islamic flag. Symbolically, they are cast out of the Islamic heavens, which in Islamic terms means that they are damned. This symbolic damnation allows the infidel names to be inscribed without tainting the Islamic purity of the design, as seen by the al Qaeda monsters who are actually being memorialized.
I would rank this symbolic damnation of the 40 infidels as Murdoch’s most brilliant stroke of evil genius. Without solving this problem he could not proceed at all, and in order to solve it he comes up with his fundamental theme, using a crescent and star configuration to create a symbolic Islamic heavens that he can depict the infidels as symbolically cast out of. Figuring out how to symbolically condemn the 40 infidels is the crux of Murdoch's feat, and it goes to the most basic structure of his design.
19 times 2
In addition to the 40 glass blocks, the crescent design is supposed to memorialize the 40 heroes by placing "40 Memorial Groves" around the back of the giant crescent. This presents a real challenge for Murdoch's mosque design. Since the Memorial Groves are integral to the giant crescent, they are symbolically a part of the Islamic heavens. That means they cannot be used to represent the 40 infidels at all. Simply reducing the number to 38 would not solve anything if these were still representing 38 of the infidels. For Murdoch to create a legitimate mosque, the 38 groves have to represent believing Muslims. So who does Murdoch have in mind?
A line across the most obtruding tips of the crescent of Memorial Groves points pretty much exactly at the White House:

The White House sits just about at the middle of the “i” in “Washington” on this Yahoo map. It is used here as the Washington end of the superimposed Shanksville-to-Washington line. Yahoo’s red star marks downtown Shanksville. A line through the White House and the crash-site (depicted) turns out to have the same slope as a line across the tips of Murdoch’s crescent of Memorial Groves (129° clockwise from north).
Now you know why the crescent of Memorial Groves (unchanged in the Bowl of Embrace redesign) is not symmetrical with the full Crescent of Embrace. It has a different job to perform. The full crescent is gives the direction to Mecca. It is one of the many Islamic elements in the design. The fat part of the crescent gives the direction to the target that the terrorists were trying to destroy. It is one of the many terrorist memorializing elements in the design.
Take two groves away from the arc of 38 and a line across the tips of the remaining 36 will also point to the White House. Ditto for 34 groves, 32, etcetera, down to 2. That is one nested crescent for each of the 19 9/11 terrorists, each one aiming an arrow at our nation's capitol.
I have long thought that Murdoch was probably hiding a memorial to the full complement of 9/11 terrorists somewhere in his design. We see here that his doing so is actually crucial to his design. 40 Memorial groves would make for an illegitimate mosque. The Memorial Groves have to be dedicated to the terrorists for Murdoch's mosque design to work.
Why then does Murdoch even leave room for 40 groves, if avoiding 40 is so crucial to his intent? Because in terms of the ultimate Islamo-fascist goal of world domination, having to include 40 Memorial Groves now would not be a deal-breaker. It would just establish a jihadist goal of one day restoring the Crescent mosque to its intended configuration, free from infidel taint, much the way the jihadists champion re-possession of the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem (the Dome of the Rock) as a motivation driving the Jews out of Israel.
This is why “fixing” the Memorial Grove count would not fix anything. The Memorial Project keeps looking for ways it can “tweak” Murdoch’s design in answer to various objections that arise. All they are doing is trying to help him improve his disguise so that he can get past gate security and proceed with his hijacking. The proper answer, when someone is caught trying to sneak an Islamo-fascist plot through gate security, is not to tell him to go back outside and try again. It is to cart him away.
A second set of 19 nested crescents
Murdoch always demonstrates intent by repeating his various Islamic and terrorist memorializing features. Is there another set of nested crescents in the planned memorial?

The Tower of Voices is surrounded by a vast array of nested crescents of trees. Count 'em. One for each 9/11 hijacker.
I noticed a long time ago that if I counted 2 trees together as a crescent, there were 19 nested crescents in the Tower array, but it seemed odd to count a pair of trees as a crescent arc. The discovery of the 19 Memorial Grove crescents, ranging in length from 2 to 38, settles the question of what is to count as a crescent of trees. No longer is the use of 2 trees as a crescent odd. It is instead a repeated theme, and the number of intended crescents in the Tower array comes definite.
Notice that the Tower array also includes four single trees, singling the four Flight 93 terrorists out for special recognition.
Only part of the Tower array represents the Islamic heavens.
The detail view of the Tower array shown above (from the Tower of Voices PDF) only shows the central part of the Tower array, extending out as far as the parking lot on the left. The Site-Plan PDF shows that out beyond the parking lot there are yet more arcs of trees:

Murdoch has used a very clever device to indicate that these additional arcs of trees are NOT part of the symbolic heavens. He does this by repeating the entire multi-Mecca oriented geometry of the giant central crescent in the Tower crescents. Since the central crescent represents the Islamic heavens, the part of the Tower crescents that corresponds to the geometry of the central crescent also represents the Islamic heavens.
In the central crescent, if you connect the most obtruding tips of the crescent structure and form the perpendicular bisector (the bisector of the crescent) it points 1.8° north of Mecca. But the upper tip of the central crescent also includes a slightly further out and more recessed crescent tip. Use that as the upper crescent tip, and the resulting bisector points exactly at Mecca. (See Crescent of Betrayal, download 2, chapter 3.) In the Tower of Voices part of the memorial, both of these Mecca orientations (one inexact, one exact) are represented.
A line across the most obtruding tips of the crescents of trees exactly replicates the inexact Mecca orientation of the central crescent:

Superimpose this overt orientation of the Tower crescents on the overt orientation of the central crescent and, ta-da:

Red and blue make purple. The orientations are identical, within the pixel resolution of the graphics. Both point 1.8° north of Mecca.
The Tower array also includes a hidden exact Mecca orientation, and it is created in the same way as it is created in the central crescent: by connecting to a second crescent tip that is slightly further out and more recessed than the most obtruding crescent tip:

Red line points 1.8° north of Mecca. Swinging in to the further out and more recessed crescent tip, the resulting black line points exactly at Mecca.
With the central crescent, it is the crescent bisectors that point to Mecca. With the Tower crescents, it is lines across the crescent tips themselves that point to Mecca. Otherwise the two geometries are identical. Rotate the central crescent 90° CCW and the two geometries overlay precisely:

Both structures combine a single crescent tip on the right with a pair of crescent tips on the left. In both, a line connecting the most obtruding crescent tips yield an orientation slightly north of Mecca (red). In both, a line to the further out and more recessed of the left hand crescent tips yield an orientation exactly on Mecca (black).
One thing Murdoch is doing here is proving intent. A lot of people might be willfully blind enough to think that the multi-Mecca oriented geometry of the central crescent is mere coincidence, but anyone who is willfully blind enough to think that the repetition of this entire multi-Mecca oriented geometry in the Tower crescents also a coincidence is certifiably insane. Surely this should constitute enough proof for Murdoch to be able to claim his victory, once he reveals what he has done, but Murdoch knows the willfull blindness of the American left well. He is never satisfied that he has included enough proof, and just keeps piling on additional repeated terrorist memorializing themes.
Proof of intent is only part of what Murdoch accomplishes by repeating his multi-Mecca oriented geometry in the Tower crescents. He is also indicating what parts of the Tower array correspond to the central crescent, and hence are to be seen as representing the Islamic heavens. These are just the parts included in the detail view of the Tower of Voices. The arc of trees that passes through the outer edge of the parking lot ends in the outer and more recessed crescent tip that gives the exact direction to Mecca. Thus the arcs of trees to the left of the parking lot lie symbolically outside of the Islamic heavens, which in Islamic terms signifies damnation.
40 trees lie outside of the Islamic heavens
Count the number of trees in the arcs of trees that lie to the left of the parking lot. It is hard to count accurately because the site plan image is low resolution when zoomed in on this one part of the plan, but it looks like there are 40 "condemned" trees:

Number of trees out beyond the arcs through the parking lot: seems to be 40.
If this tree count is correct, it matches the symbolic layout of the central crescent exactly, where the 40 translucent panels inscribed with the names of the murdered passengers and crew are outside of the Islamic crescent and star heavens, while the 4 additional inscribed translucent panels are all part of the crescent and star. In the Tower array, there are 19 nested crescents in the symbolic Islamic heavens, while 40 symbolically condemned trees are planted outside.
40 restless souls
There is one more place in the memorial where the 40 lives of the passengers and crew are represented: the 40 wind chimes that hang from the crescent shaped top of the crescent shaped Tower of Voices. Murdoch needs a way to interpret these 40 souls as cast down from the Islamic heavens, and seems to have done it very straight-forwardly. The forty represented souls will hang and twist in rain, wind and snow throughout the centuries, never to rest, ringing mournfully as the crescent towers in the sky above:

Conspiracy theory nuts and anti-conspiracy theory nuts: a note on the concept of evidence
For the defenders of the crescent design, each carefully arranged terrorist memorializing feature that I point out in the design is seen as yet more evidence that I have a fevered imagination. Instead of checking to see whether the things I am saying are true, they refuse to look at it seriously on the grounds that it would be crazy to think that such a thing could possibly be true. They are anti-conspiracy theory nuts, the same way that the “9/11 truth” morons are conspiracy theory nuts. Both look only at what supports their presumptions and simply refuse to account contrary reason and evidence.
Not a shred of the “9/11 truth” stupidity stands up to any scrutiny. Popular Mechanics magazine looked at the “truther” evidence that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by the Bush administration and every claim they looked at turned out to be based on the most transparent falsehoods. The “Loose Change” idiots do not even pretend they are being honest, but describe online how they went searching for statements they could edit out of context to create a fictional story about the Bush administration being behind 9/11. When leftist America haters started touting their fiction as real, they started selling it as real. (See Dylan Avery’s explanation, second from the top.)
Mainstream leftists do the same thing on their pet issues. The Clinton/Soros front group Media Matters has recently been making transparently phony charges against Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, using out-of-context quotes to present them as saying the opposite of what they actually said (the exact same thing Avery and his loose-marbles cohorts did to fabricate their “Bush did it” 9/11 narrative).
Media Matters knows that it is easier to make false claims than it is for their opponents to document the falsity of their claims, and they know that their media allies will report the charges but not their falsity, which to their way of thinking makes lying an effective strategy.
Demagogeury IS a powerful strategy, but a transparent one to anyone who actually checks the facts. Everyone who actually checks MY factual claims verifies them. The closest anyone has come to even contesting any of my factual claims is the Rasputin like Daniel Griffith, so-called expert consultant to the Families of Flight 93, who is telling every reporter who will listen that there is no such thing as the direction to Mecca.
Far from contesting my factual claims, I learned from Flight 93 Advisory Commission member Tim Baird that everyone on the Advisory Commission is fully aware that the giant crescent will in fact be oriented almost exactly on Mecca. Mr. Baird suggested further that everyone at the Project assumes the accuracy of ALL of my geometric claims, but are not concerned about any of it. As he explained his own view:
I won't be concerned unless you can prove intent, and it is impossible to prove intent.Of course it is possible to prove intent, as Murdoch has done many times over, but set that aside. What Baird told me is not what the defenders of the crescent are telling the press. They are telling the public that my information is false, when they all know it is true, the same way the “Loose Change” idiots know that they are lying to the public. Both rationalize their blatant lying with their own excuses for why the truth does not matter.
The lesson of Flight 93 is that the truth is the ONLY thing that matters. Learning the truth from phone calls to the ground, they were able to spend their lives as dearly as any of us could hope, protecting out capitol and our national leadership from a potentially devastating strike. The opposite lesson is now being demonstrated by those who are charged with memorializing the heroes of Flight 93. By trying to avoid and suppress inconvenient truth, they twist all the way around to actively blocking for a hijacker who is again using Flight 93 to attack our nation, this time by stabbing a terrorist memorial mosque into America’s heartland.
It is going to be up to the rest of us to knock aside the blockers and tackle this hijacker. As Tom Burnett Sr. said of Tom Jr.: “He did something. Now I must do something.” And what could be more fun than to tackle a hijacker?
… gentlemen in England now-a-bedSign up for next week’s blogburst here.
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.